Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

Application Details of The NetStream Object is invalid. This may be due to a failed NetConnection., Port %1 may not be accessed using protocol %2. Calling SWF was %3., The NetConnection Object is invalid. This may be due to a dropped NetConnection., The SharedObject Object is invalid., The TextLine is INVALID and cannot be used to access the current state of the TextBlock., An internal error occured while laying out the text., The Shader output type is not compatible for this operation., The Shader input type %1 is not compatible for this operation., The Shader input %1 is missing or an unsupported type.

Error Id:2154
Error Code:The NetStream Object is invalid. This may be due to a failed NetConnection.
Error Id:2156
Error Code:Port %1 may not be accessed using protocol %2. Calling SWF was %3.
Error Id:2158
Error Code:The NetConnection Object is invalid. This may be due to a dropped NetConnection.
Error Id:2159
Error Code:The SharedObject Object is invalid.
Error Id:2160
Error Code:The TextLine is INVALID and cannot be used to access the current state of the TextBlock.
Error Id:2161
Error Code:An internal error occured while laying out the text.
Error Id:2162
Error Code:The Shader output type is not compatible for this operation.
Error Id:2163
Error Code:The Shader input type %1 is not compatible for this operation.
Error Id:2164
Error Code:The Shader input %1 is missing or an unsupported type.
Error Id:2165
Error Code:The Shader input %1 does not have enough data.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC